
Monday, May 20, 2013

Tragedy into Triumph

Mondays suck.

Today is no different. 

Work was crazy busy. 

My husband is sick but he's on the mend. 

Then there's the awful devastation in Oklahoma that's all over the news. 

Pain and suffering in the world makes my heart ache. It causes me to doubt and question. My mind reels at the possibility that a good God allows so much evil in this world. 

Despite the doubt, beyond the questions, there is hope. 

Hope that God is there, His own heart aching with the families in Oklahoma. As they grieve and mourn, so does He. 

Hope that when they pray for comfort and strength, He offers Himself. 

Hope that He will turn tragedy into triumph. 

Hope that someday soon, He will make something beautiful out of the rubble. 

On this terrible Monday, my heart and prayers go out to the families in Oklahoma. Will you join me?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Motivation

Mondays suck.

We all know it.

And no one is truly ever happy about it.

But let's not dwell on it. Let's not allow one crappy day to ruin the rest of the week for us. In fact, let's change our thoughts and not allow the fact that it's Monday ruin the entire day for us.

Yes, it really can be that simple. If we allow it.

It's all about perspective. 

You and I, we have the ability to change things.

This evening I stumbled across this quote and I want to share it with you. It's so simple but so true. And it's what I've been trying to remind myself this past year as I've embraced each and every "manic Monday."

Photo found at Monday Morning Motivation
What do you do on Monday mornings to make the day better?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bless the Lord

Hello Monday.

In my part of the world, it's been a dreary day. The clouds have kept the sun in hiding and have caused raindrops to fall from the sky instead. Not to mention the temperature took a bit of a drop. Nothing drastic, but enough to make it a bit chilly.

Nevertheless, today I'm reminded of something my mentor from years ago used to say. The psalmist would often say in scripture, "Bless the Lord, oh my soul." Deonn would say to me that what the psalmist was really doing was saying, "Soul, bless the Lord!" You see, the psalmist went through a lot of crap in his time. He was hated by the king who often tried to kill him, so he had to hide out in caves and stuff. His soul went through dark, troubling times. My guess is that he didn't feel like blessing the Lord. Cursing him, on the other hand, may have been a better fit. Rather than doing so, he commanded his soul to bless the Lord. 

Life's circumstances make me want to cuss. And sometimes I do. From my inability to pay the electric bill because I just don't quite have enough that week or the constant arguments my husband and I seem to find ourselves in. No way I'm blessing the Lord. Much like the psalmist, sometimes I have to tell myself to find the blessing in the midst of the darkness. 

Even when I don't feel like it, the choice is clear - bless the Lord. You know why? Because sometimes blessing comes through raindrops. (Yeah, I just stole a lyric from a song I don't even really like. But there's truth to it!) 

I've said it once and I'll continue to say it. It is your choice - my choice - to find the good, the beautiful, the positive things in life. Even in the midst of the darkest day of your life, there is something good to be found.

Have you ever had to tell your soul, "bless the Lord"?