
Friday, May 28, 2010

joshua m. dilley

Last week, Matthew Paul Turner (aka @jesusneedsnewpr), started a new blog post series called "Friday's Person You Should Know."  The idea was to create a positive series to celebrate the people in our lives. I thought this sounded like a great idea, so it's my new thing for Friday's!

Please meet my husband, Joshua M. Dilley:

Josh and I met my senior year of high school in photography class and became fast friends.  There are many things that attracted me to him back then - he's cute, intelligent, and funny - that still attract me now.  But there is much MUCH more to Josh than that.  He's loyal to a fault.  Even when friends take advantage of him, he sticks by them.  He's generous and giving to those in need.  He loves, honors, and respects his parents, and would do anything for family.  He loves Jesus and prays continuously!  He has supported me in all my endeavors even when they've taken me away from him for long periods of time.  He stays with me through all the good and especially the bad, lifting me up, and sometimes putting me in my place when needed.  And he loves me - unconditionally and without question. 

I thank God for creating Josh and bringing him into my life!!! 

Who do you thank God for bringing into your life?


  1. Thanks for leaving me your link. Wonder why it wasn't there before? Sometimes these computer gliches are weird. I'm looking forward to us getting to know each other. And will be happy to add you to our team blog log on Bridges.

    When you're ready shoot me an email at for my home address for mailing your donation.

    We love having lots of helping hands to help with the sad problem of so many homeless. Hope you've look around the blog for any information and inspiration you need; but do sing out if you have any questions.

    Enjoyed your article about your hubby, very nice. Great idea too, the Friday series. Hum....perhaps I'll give some thought to incorporating that in my personal blog. It's quite a mix of day to day life, knitting and crocheting, memories and memorials of my Mother. I also have a travel blog where I have a Friday series. Sandy's Summer Series of Friday Fun with Flat Stanley. Mostly I just refer to it as Friday Fun with Flat Stanley.

    Look forward to your visits at any or all 3 blogs.

    Happy Knitting

  2. What a great idea Denise! I thank God for my husband too..and my entire family.

    This would be a great creative writing activity!

  3. Sandy,

    I originally found your blog while doing a search for Chillicothe bloggers. It led me to your traveling blog...

    Anyway, I'm also looking forward to getting to know you as well! I love what you're doing for the homeless, and can't wait to start my new knitting project!

    Denise :)

  4. Jan,

    So glad you like the idea! A fellow blogger came up with it, and I ran with it. Feel free to use it on your blog anytime.

    Denise :)
