
Friday, August 31, 2012

Change is Inevitable

For the first time ever, I am linking up for Five Minute Friday with Lisa Jo Baker (aka Gypsy Mama).  The task seems simple - set the clock for five minutes and write until time is up.  No editing, no backtracking.  Just write and publish.  Here goes nothing...


If there is one word that causes me to freeze in fear and yet crave at the same time, it would be the word change.

I hate change.

But I want to change.

My heart's cry is that God would change me from the inside out.  That at the end of my life I wouldn't be the same impatient, stubborn, sin-filled woman that I am now.  I want a clean, pure heart.  My soul longs to be different.  To be closer to Jesus. 

They say that change is the one constant thing in this world.  And as much as that stirs a panic in my heart, I hope it's true. 

When you hear the word change, do you freeze in fear or do you embrace it?


  1. I'm so glad you decided to link up this week! Change is constant, terrifying, and oh so rewarding.

    Visiting from 5 minute friday!

  2. Thank you for visiting! I'm also glad I decided to link up. :)

    You're right - change is often rewarding. Sometimes we forget the positive aspects of change because we're so afraid of it. But change can be good.

  3. I also often find change hard. Isn't it reassuring to know that no matter what other pieces of our lives are being altered, God always remains the same!

    Wonderful post for your very first Five Minute Friday!

  4. YES! I am so thankful that God never changes. There's something very reassuring about that.

    Thank you!

  5. Hello, Denise! It's nice to "meet" you! Today is my first 5 minute Friday as well! And yes, I freeze when I hear the word change. Even "good" change is tough. But as I posted today, I firmly believe it's a necessity in life. Otherwise, we stop moving forward.

  6. Hi, Christina! It's nice to "meet" you as well. :) I'm thankful that I was not the only first timer for five minute Friday. Heading over to read your blog now...

  7. thanks for your comment. i too fear and embrace change. there is much pain and uncertainty in this road to becoming more like Jesus - but the joy of understanding Him in ways i never did before!

  8. Thank you, Sarah, for the visit & comment. Following Jesus is quite the journey. Pain and joy are so intertwined at times.

  9. Lovely thoughts, Denise! Welcome to FMF!
