
Friday, September 14, 2012

Fuzzy Vision

Today I'm linking up with Lisa Jo Baker (aka Gypsy Mama) and lots of other folks from around the world for Five Minute Friday.  The rules are simple - set the clock for five minutes and write.  No editing, no backtracking.  Here goes nothing...


Some days it's truly hard to focus on what needs to be done.  Today, for instance.  Instead of focusing on the job at hand, I'm writing this post.  :)  And I'm sure that my focus will be off for the rest of the day as I'm anticipating a night away with friends at a Hillsong concert and a day off in Cincinnati tomorrow.

While I'm sure that the things I'm looking forward to are going to be wonderful, I need to focus.  Focus is absolutely necessary in life.

Last Tuesday I had an eye exam.  It was a dilated exam, so for most of the day my vision was out of focus.  Things were fuzzy and my vision was skewed.  It was hard to do much of anything, so I took a nap hoping that upon waking my vision had returned.  No such luck.  Instead, I woke with a headache and a desire to just go back to sleep.

Life without focus can often be like getting a dilated eye exam.  It sounds silly.  But think about it.  Without focus, our purpose can be fuzzy.  Our perspective gets skewed, and we just want to give up and climb back into bed.

There's a scripture that says something to the effect that without vision people perish.  The scripture isn't talking about physical vision, but more along the lines of having purpose or a goal to focus on in life.

I'm reminded of another scripture that tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus.  Today, let's focus on Him and see what happens.

When your life seems out of focus, what do you do? 


  1. This is a great are exactly right! I just wrote about losing perspective. It's so easy to let life get fuzzy. It's a daily battle for me. Thanks for the reminder to fix our eyes on Jesus :)

  2. Thanks, Amber. Yes, it's a daily battle. It is so easy to get distracted or to focus on something other than Him. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus, if only for a moment, our perspective changes.

  3. Thanks Denise for the reminder, love the post!

  4. Thanks, Michell! The reminder is for me, as well.

  5. Let's focus on Jesus every day! With Him at the helm we can't go anywhere but right.
    Thanks for this Denise.

  6. "Without focus, our purpose can be fuzzy." That's very true, Denise.

  7. As we focus on Him, our purpose becomes clear.

  8. Thanks for the reminder to focus on Christ today!! Visiting from 5 Minute Friday!

  9. See what happens! YES! He has never ceased to amaze me. Oh what God can do through us when we let Him! when we take our focus off of ourselves...

    loved your thoughts on vision/focus. gave me something to ponder...

    What a great write. Thank you!

  10. Thanks, Nikki! Writing this post reminded me how often I focus on myself when really I just need to focus on Him. It's easy to get wrapped up in the little things of life, but when I fix my eyes on Him, all that stuff just disappears, if only for a moment, and I am filled with peace and joy.
