
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Got {Reading} Goals?

photo by ginnerobot
All around the blog-o-sphere, twitter-verse, and Facebook-land, folks are posting their New Year's resolutions and goals for the year. Not me. I've chosen one word to keep me going through 2013.

There are some folks, however, who have piqued my interest. These folks are the ones who have been discussing their reading goals for this next year. People like Katie Aexlson who read close to 52 books last year and aims to read 50 books this year. People like Joe Bunting who plans to read and review 100 books. People like Lore Ferguson who has already scheduled an entire year's worth of reading for 2013 and has created spreadsheets and everything. (Now that's some serious planning!)

So here's my goal - read (on average) one book a week. That's 52 books. For a reader like myself, that seems pretty reasonable. I may, or may not, choose to review all 52 books. I'll leave that decision for another day. And I will also update my blog quarterly (March, June, September, December) with a list of books that I've read thus far.

Sound good?

Today is the end of week 2 of 2013, and I'm already ahead of schedule. I've read three books this year :)

Identity by Ted Dekker
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Beyond Ordinary by Justin & Trisha Davis (check out my review here)

Do you have reading goals for 2013?


  1. I had said that I wanted to read 24 books this year, but I'm already on my 3rd one this month. I plan on finishing that one and one more by the end of the month. I don't know that every month would be this productive, but 2 a month seems low. So I'm thinking 40, 3+ a month. I really love the idea of paying close attention to what I read! I'm excited to see what this year brings.

  2. I'd be happy with one book a month. I'd love to read more, but I'm a pretty slow/deliberate reader. Having said this, I just finished reading The Train of Forgiveness by Dan Erickson. I guess I'm ahead of schedule too!

  3. There are certain books which definitely take more time to absorb and require a more thorough read. Some books are just easy to zip right through, though! I've not heard of the one you just finished. Would you recommend it?

  4. Dan is a blogger who I recently connected with. His book is fiction but my hunch is that it parallels his own experience growing up in a cult and grappling with forgiveness later in life after he left the cult. I would recommend the book.

  5. I've never really paid close attention to what I've read throughout the year either. I'm looking forward to keeping track and seeing me reach this goal I've set. Good luck to you on your goal!
