
Monday, February 4, 2013

What A Soul Needs

Today, as most Mondays do, lived up to its name. It was crazy and chaotic. Manic in every sense of the word.

The phone rang off the hook.

Email flooded my inbox.

Customers poured into the waiting area, sometimes two or three at a time.

Yet there was such a peace about today. Not once was I anxious or overwhelmed with my responsibilities or the never-ending pile of things to do.

Towards the end of the day, with maybe only an hour to go, the snow began to fall. Each flake drifted towards the ground, gathering together there to create a thick blanket.

I've noticed something about snow. When it snows a hush falls over the land. It is not loud and boisterous like rain storms. It doesn't just leave a giant mess of wet, muddy puddles. Snowfall is gentle, quiet, peaceful. It leaves a beautiful mark on the world first. Only when it melts does it uncover the messiness. (But let's not talk about that right now!)

Peace is what my soul needs.

And that is what I shall focus on today.

What does your soul need today?


  1. Rest and some family time. It has been a crazy few weeks as the doctors discovered my mother in law has bladder cancer. She will have surgery next week to remove the bladder and one kidney. Today there was an exploratory procedure to see if everything was as they thought it was in order to go ahead with the surgery. They discovered another small tumor, so we were worried all over again. Then they said they thought the kidney could be saved. So praise God for coming through again. Now if we can settle down a little, I would appreciate it.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I can't imagine what you're family is going through right now. I will definitely be praying!

    Glad you were able to get a little rest and family time. And pie. :)

  3. Thanks. God has been showing up big time! Yesterday the doctors told us that they should be able to save the bladder because the bladder looks CANCER FREE! So instead of only one kidney, she'll have one kidney AND a bladder. I'm just still stunned at the miracle.
