
Friday, October 3, 2014

New {Day 3} A Five Minute Friday Post

It's Friday, so I'm joining up with the Five Minute Friday peeps today! Just five minutes of unedited writing. Love these moments of writing with abandon! Here we go...

There's this saying in Christian circles that God is doing a new thing. I think it's scripture, and I know it's an old-school DC Talk song. 

While I love the fact that God's in the business of doing new things, there's also this apprehension about whatever He's gonna do. Sounds kinda silly, right? But for those who don't do well with change - like me - it can leave you feeling unsettled. 

There's another saying, "change is the only constant." Maybe that's why I'm always a little on edge.

Thank God for the grace and mercy He extends in the midst of the newness. Of all the change. Because I'd lose my mind without it. 

Change is on it's way. And while it makes me nervous and anxious and all, I'm excited. Because I know that the new thing is going to be good in the end.

Is God doing something new with you? What's He doing?


  1. I think that God is always doing a new thing with us. He is teaching us to be more like Him. He is changing our hearts and our lives. How amazing is that!

  2. Amazing! And thanks for the reminder. God loves us just the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way. That's why he gently guides us And directs us towards change. That kind if change doesn't necessarily freak me out or cause me to be anxious, though it can be uncomfortable at times.
