
Sunday, October 26, 2014

When Dark & Light Collide {Day 26}

Photo credit: descar66

For the past seven years or so, my drive to work or church or wherever I was going in the morning would take me north, south, or west. Never east. But if you've been following along during this 31 day challenge, you'll remember I moved recently. In fact, I've only been living in the new house for a few days. And now when I drive to work or church or wherever in the morning, I drive east. 

This morning as I found myself driving east towards church, I drove towards a gorgeous sunrise. I'm nowhere near a morning person, so I'm usually never up when the sun rises. This morning was a rate treat! (Thank you Centerpoint cafe for scheduling me as a brewer this morning, otherwise I may have missed it!)

Anyway, as I was driving to church, gazing at the sun rising over the top of the cornfields and over the hills of southern Ohio, this realization dawned on me:

There is something beautiful created when dark and light collide. 

After a while of driving, the sun became so bright it was all I could do to see the road. It was magnificent, brilliant in all it's glory. 

I wondered if this sunrise was similar to that at creation. As the Spirit hovered over the deep waters, and God spoke light into existence, did the darkness suddenly become overwhelmed with shades of pink, red, orange, and yellow? Did the sun in all it's glory drive the darkness out?

As children, often times we fear the dark. We can't see what's in front of us or worry about what's hiding in the shadows. This fear follows is into adulthood, though it manifests in different ways. We're afraid of the unknown. We are afraid that the darkness will overtake us, suffocating us.

For me, the sunrise this morning reminded me that the dark times in my life will one day collide with the light, and something beautiful will be created. I don't have to be afraid of the dark for the light is coming, right over the hills. 

Was there a time in your life when dark and light collided? What happened?


  1. That is really profound. I never though about it that way, but you are right.

  2. I too find sunrise and sunset beautiful. Dark tends to hide unfamiliar things and its the unfamiliarity that may tend to be scary.

  3. LOVE this!!! this i my first time stopping by your blog .. glad I did.

  4. Yes! He brings beauty to the darkest places! My drive to drop my boys off at school is towards the east and I love looking at the sunrise each morning. Such a beautiful reminder of the new mercies rising with it.

  5. What an absolutely gorgeous picture and an even more beautiful thought. I think of the darkest, most painful moments of my life -- the death of a loved one, my own problems and addictions and fears, and how over a long period of time, healing, and grace, God has used those situations to help me have compassion and grace to help other people.

  6. Yes, He does that in my own life as well!

  7. Oh yes, new mercies every morning! And joy!

  8. Sunsets are my favorite! But maybe getting to see the sunrise more often, I might just grow to love those, too.

  9. Not sure how profound it is, but it definitely for me thinking!
