Today is Monday.
And April Fool's Day.
This morning it snowed, briefly, and I tweeted about it. The first person to respond to my tweet didn't believe me. Of course they thought I was trying to fool everyone. And I don't blame them.
But hear me out on this next thought. Don't dismiss it as foolish simply because of what day it is.
What if Monday's weren't a day to dread but rather a time for a fresh start?
You know you've thought about it at least once.
How many times have you heard these statements:
I'll start dieting on Monday.
I'll start working out on Monday.
Yeah, I'll do that on Monday
I've said "I'll do fill in the blank here on Monday" so many times.
So today I thought to myself, why not? Why can't Monday be a fresh start?
There are many reason why it might not be a good day for fresh starts. But think about it for a minute. Monday is the first day of the week. It's the first, and perhaps best, day for new beginnings. For starting over. Fresh.
I need a fresh start today. Especially now as my husband and I are fighting. Throwing hurtful words at one another, hoping to ease our own pain but really creating more.
My prayer, my hope, is that God would create in me a new heart. One that would follow desperately after Him, so much so that the childish things of this world would fade from view. That my own selfish desires would cease so that He could fill my heart with His desires.
Do you need a fresh start today?