
Monday, June 25, 2012

Riding the Wave of Yesterday

This is the first thing I read this morning when checking Facebook: "That awkward moment when you should be ready but aren't and you have to leave the house with wet hair....... Yeah, happy Monday everyone :/"

My status update would have read like this: "More like, that awkward moment when you should be ready but aren't because you're still in bed."

Yep.  That was me this morning.  And most Monday mornings.

Mondays suck.  We all know it.  There's no need to rehash the madness of Mondays. 

I'm taking Monday back!

While today may not have started off any different than the rest of my Mondays, today has been a good day.  The weather is gorgeous!  My customers were all friendly and in good spirits.  Dinner is in the oven and will be ready in 30 minutes.  It's the little things.  :)

But really, I'm just riding the wave of yesterday.  

The wave of life change.  

The wave of unity.

My spirit is so refreshed by what happened in small-town Kingston, Ohio.  My church - Centerpoint -  held it's second baptism service yesterday and it was AMAZING!  Over 20 people were dunked yesterday - men, women, children, families.

And the awesome thing is, it wasn't just "my" church.  It was THE church!  Centerpoint joined together with another local church - Church Triumphant - to hold the baptism service.  Our pastors, worship bands, and members all came together to work together as the body of Christ.  It was a beautiful thing.  A moment I'll never forget.

Out with the old.  In with the new.

That is my hope and prayer for the city of Chillicothe.  That we would buck the traditional mindset of the church that says "you do your thing and we'll do ours."  That we would do away with what doesn't work (doing things on our own) and be the church that Jesus wants us to be (working together in unity)!!

How was your Monday?  Let's work together to take Mondays back!


  1. This was my Facebook status: "I got up in time to see the sunrise, put on a pretty white dress with accessories, drank two cups of coffee, had three great conversations already, and it's not even 10 a.m. When did I become a morning person? Jesus, thank you for new habits and routines."
    But I'm single, and have slightly less responsibilities. Lol.
    I *love* Mondays, especially since I "got excited about my work", as my friend told me. :D
    I like the "Take back Mondays" theme you've got going on too. We have to counter the negative Nancies out there! lol

  2. I saw your status update this morning & was excited for you in this journey you're on! Not gonna lie, though... I was a bit jealous because I SOOO want to be a morning person. One day... it'll happen... right?! :)

    And yes, we do need to combat the "negative Nancies" out there! There's too much negativity in this world, for sure.

  3. Congrats on taking Mondays back!! It's tough sometimes to get back in the swing of things after being 'off' for a couple days. But...Mondays are good days too.

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