
Friday, October 17, 2014

Meet Kelly {Day 16}

A few years ago I used to have a series called "People You Should Know." It was inspired by blogger Matthew Paul Turner who had mentioned something on his blog about doing something similar.

Anyway, I haven't done this for years, but I'm going back to it for at least today. Because I have a friend who is wonderful and I'd like you all to meet her. 

Meet my friend Kelly. 

Kelly and I met at church several years ago. We both have a passion for Jesus and for showing crazy love to everyone we meet. Because of her huge heart for people, we hit it off immediately. She is kind and super compassionate, and inspires me to be more so. 

Kelly is also a writer and blogger. Today she wrote a post on love. Her heart is for folks to truly understand one another and to show love rather than judgement. We have no idea what others face on a daily basis yet we are quick to judge their words and actions. Jesus compels us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Why not give others the same grace we so often give ourselves?

Today, instead of reading my words, will you do me a favor? Visit Kelly's blog. Read her post from today and leave a comment. Thanks, friends!

This is day 16 of 31 days of simply writing. If you'd like to start from the beginning, click here. You can also visit the #write31days website to visit thousands of other writers who've also joined the challenge! 

What did you think of Kelly's thoughts on love?

1 comment:

  1. I'm incredibly jealous about your In-N-Out trays! I don't have one close to me by any means. But we do get to make to Five Guys Burgers and Fries every now and again. I'm excited to read your friend's post today. Headed over now!
