
Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Blessings {Day 13}

After such a beautiful and laid back weekend, it's back to the work week. Today is Monday, so of course it is filled with it's own set of challenges, not to mention it's rainy and dreary outside. If I had the choice I would close up shop for the day and head home, climb back into bed and pull the covers over my head. Sleeping the day away sounds much better than fighting with a bad internet connection and finicky network. Since that is not an option, looks like I'm going to be choosing to find something positive about this day just like during my #ManicMondayChallenge series of old.

While today hasn't started off the greatest, it still holds potential. And it's already filled with little blessings:

I'm awake and alive, which means God still has me on this earth for a reason.

My car started and is still running, though a bit shaky. But it runs.

My office is quiet today, which is a nice contrast to the crazy-busy month of September.

My lunch was paid for, and often is on Mondays. Something I have taken for granted recently.

Though I don't know what the rest of today holds, I do know this: I am blessed. It is oh-so-easy for me to look at the negative things in life and wonder why God isn't working, why prayers aren't getting answered, or why things aren't easier. 

So as today continues and the negative thoughts continue to pop up in my mind, I'm going to combat them with positive thoughts like these:

Today I'm linking up with the folks over at #inspirememondays. I stumbled upon this link-up through the #write31days series that's happening over at The Nester's place. If you're joining me for the first time, this series is as challenging as it sounds -- write for 31 days on whatever topic (or not) of your choosing! In my case, I'm simply writing. Every. Single. Day. And what a fun, rewarding challenge it has been so far. Feel free to check out all 13 days of my 31 Days of Simply Writing series. If you like what you're reading, feel free to subscribe to my blog and have posts delivered directly to your inbox!


  1. Welcome to #inspirememondays! I love all of your graphics--they are so perfect for a Monday morning :). The challenge is certainly...challenging! It's exhilarating to be almost half way through--there's something to be said for building our discipline muscles. I hope to see you again next week.

  2. Thanks, Anita! I'm glad I stumbled upon the link-up. It's fun to see what others are inspired by on Mondays. :)
