Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Focus on the Good?

It's Monday.

And I have a massive headache that just won't go away.

But that's OK.

Today, as with every Monday, I choose to focus on the good things and blog about it. 

  • There's already enough negative stuff out there in the world. Why fill my mind & heart with more negativity?
  • Blogging about choosing the good on Mondays keeps me accountable to myself. It reminds me that even in the midst of the negative, the crazy, the mania, there is always something good, or beautiful, out there. I just have to look for it.
So, today, I'm focusing on the good - a quiet night at home with my husband & "kids," watching The Biggest Loser, and celebrating two wins today (I was the first place winner over at Marla Taviano's blog! And my friend Nikki won my giveaway today, and I'm happy for her.)

Tell me, what good thing are you focusing on today?